
1.1 If you have any questions about the services we offer.

Call us on 07801 898 695

Complaints and Appeals policy

2.1 Overview and Scope

Professional Skills Academy will have quality verifications in line with the awarding body requirements (City and Guilds) documented in their instructions, amended from time to time, as presented to us keeping in place the necessary procedures and processes and includes information given at induction on complaints and appeals.

2.2 Lines of Responsibility

Professional Skills Academy will resolve complains using the progressive line of management that we call our Line of Responsibility. This process allows the complaint to be heard and resolved through using good communication skills, based on respect and the experience of line managers, supervisors and project coordinators to reach a mutually agreeable solution.

2.3 Compliance with Awarding Body

Professional Skills Academy draws the attention to the relevant policy and procedures of City and Guilds of London Institute, amended from time to time, that are in place at the time of induction. Being an accredited approved center Professional Skills Academy is require to adopt and maintain compliance with the awarding body and places a responsibility of all those involved in legitimate work of our organisations to ensure they comply with such statements.

2.4 What a complaint is:-

Any expression of dissatisfaction not resolved immediately to our customer’s satisfaction (trainee, apprenticeship, learner, employer, staff or other) about level, quality or nature of a service which they feel should have been provided.

2.5 How to raise a complaint

You can make a complaint at our website;

Or write to us at:

Professional Skills Academy
35 St Lawrence Quay
Salford Quays, Salford
Greater Manchester. M50 3XT

Or telephone:- 07801 898 6905 or 07359 53 84 23

2.6 How long it takes for a complaint to be resolved
If you complain in writing, we aim to respond within 20 working days. If it is not possible to give you a full reply within this time (for example, if your complaint requires more detailed investigation), we will tell you what is being done and when you can expect a full response.
We will acknowledge where things could have been done better, and tell you what will be done to avoid the same thing happening again. Equally, if we do not uphold your complaint, we will let you know why.
Our response to you will include details of what to do if you believe your complaint has not been dealt with properly. You should start by contacting us again and asking for your complaint to be passed on to a more senior member of staff.
If you remain unsatisfied, you can also ask the awarding body or relevant organisation that is a stakeholder in the service provided to you.

Click the following link for our Policies – Complaints listed at Policy J:-